Stay Connected to ANLP India -

Benefits of Membership

Membership Benefits In ANLP

There are multifarious benefits of membership with the ANLP at each level. But there are few which are shown below.

You are enable to advertise your membership of the Premier NLP Organization in India, You can open door your details (password protected) and make sure they are up to the minute.

You can easily have your details available for search by the general public. You can have multiple precise advertising squeak.

All of the above plus your name will pop up at the top of all searches and a link to your own page on our site. Going on this page you can add your own details and links to your own site.

There will be much more other benefits are to be added over the coming scant months including a magazine, a discussion group, ask the expert section etc.

ANLP (India) is a members organisation therefore if you have ideas to improve the web site or your membership in particular please let us know through the contact us section.

Corporate Members

Respect the dignity and worth of every human being, and their right to self-determination.Strive...