About ANLP
ANLP(INDIA) is a members organisation run for and to benefit it's members and controlled by a code of ethics.
ANLP (India) is a wholly owned subsidiary of "Worldwide Association of NLP Pvt Ltd" and controlled by ANLP (India)'s office bearers as follows:
- President : Dr David Lincoln 1948 to 2021
- President : Mr Rana Lincoln Das
- Vice President : Mr. Jagmohan Pahuja
All members of ANLP(INDIA) shall:
Respect the dignity and worth of every human being, and their right to self-determination.Strive to act with integrity, independence and impartiality, avoiding conflicts of interests and acting in accordance with the presuppositions of NLP which appear overleaf.
Represent themselves and their qualifications and experience honestly and also (to the best of their knowledge) the skills and experience of any third party to whom they refer any of their customers/clients.Only practise NLP within the limits of their competency and to their highest possible standards, updating their skills and knowledge on a continuous basis.
Represent NLP interventions as an option and at no time as a certain solution for any given problem.Act as ambassadors for NLP, so that it is presented as a professional and effective approach which can help people and organisations, avoiding bringing NLP into disrepute.
Act as ambassadors for ANLP(INDIA), to promote its purposes and activities to a wider audience, avoiding bringing ANLP(INDIA) into disrepute.Respect legitimate needs and requirements for confidentiality.
Respect the variety of different styles of NLP and complementary professions.Promote fellow Members interests and avoid soliciting other Members customers/ clients away from them.Ensure that clients/customers expectations, and the basis on which they will be met, are understood by bothparties and that contractual arrange-menu are not changed without appropriate discussion.
Act within the law and not encourage, assist, or collude with others engaged in unlawful conduct.In addition: Accredited Full Members have a more specific ongoing requirement to update their skills and knowledge, through pursuing CPD requirements.
The Code does not assume that individual Members possess particular levels of skill in any specific area, it is important, therefore, that users of Members services do satisfy themselves that the person they are working with is appropriately skilled.The Association will deal with any infringements of the Code of Ethics through its Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure.
The principles which form the foundation of NLP have been modelled from key people who consistently produced superb results, as well as from systems theory and natural laws. As well as a set of powerful skills, NLP is a philosophy and an attitude that is useful when your goal is excellence in whatever you do. We invite you to discover what happens in your life if you simply ,act as if the following statements are true ...
We are all unique and experience the world in different ways
Everyone is individual and has their own special way of being.
People respond to their map of reality, not to reality.
How people make sense of the world around them is through their senses and from their own personal experience, this means that each individuals perception is different.
Mind and body form a linked system.
Your mental attitude affects your body and your health and, in turn, how you behave: can change your thinking.
If what you are doing isnt working, do something else.
Flexibility is the key to success.
Choice is better than no choice.
Having options can provide more opportunities for achieving results.
We are always communicating.
Even when we remain silent, we are communicating. Non-verbal communication can account for a large proportion of a message.
The meaning of your communication is the response you get.
While your intention may be clear to you, it is the other persons interpretation and response that reflects your effectiveness. NLP teaches you the skills and flexibility to ensure that the message you send equals the message they receive.
There is no failure, only feedback.
What seemed like failure can be thought of as success that just stopped too soon. With this understanding, we can stop blaming ourselves and others, find solutions and improve the quality of what we do.
Behind every behaviour is a positive intention.
When we understand that other people have some positive intention in what they say and do (however annoying and negative it may seem to us), it can be easier to stop
getting angry and stuck and start to move forward.
Anything can be accomplished if the task is broken down into small enough steps. Achievement becomes easier if activities are manageable, NLP can help you learn how to analyse what needs to be done and find ways to be both efficient and effective