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NLP Training | Neuro Linguistic Programming

"Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP)"

Provides NLP Training, NLP Certification Courses & Resources For NLP Programmer

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ANLP India - Supporting Members, Informing the Public About Programs in NLP Certification

ANLP India – A Foreword

Please Note: Only full ‘Gold Members’ of ANLP are licensed to issue NLP certificates in the name of ANLP (India)

ANLP (India) is wholly owned by "NLP Training Private Limited"

Current officers of ANLP

  • • Founder President - Dr David Lincoln (1948 to 2021)
  • • President - Mr. Rana Lincoln Das
  • • Vice President - Mr. Jagmohan Pahuja
  • • Membership Secretary - Miss Shanti Ram
  • • Principal Trainer - Mr. Ravi Bodani
  • • Principal Trainer - Lord Daniel Laws


Current Master Trainers with ANLP (India):
  • • Dr David Lincoln  (1948 to 2021)  
  • • Lord Daniel Laws         
Current Master Trainer Candidates:
  • • Ravi Bodani

The Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming India a.k.a ANLP is a prominent group for NLP professionals training. A leader in providingevery NLP programs under the sun, from training in NLP & coaching to individual NLP Therapy sessions, from NLP certification courses to conducting NLP programs and seminars, ANLP India boasts of imparting NLP education to innumerable souls. Furthermore, ANLP India works incessantly with their associated members in assisting them with the most recent developments in the field of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, helping them in their journey towards continuous self-improvement. 

Our Journey

ANLP India’s unique approach towards teaching neuro linguistic programming and it’s methodologies have made us the clear choice when it comes to NLP seminars, NLP professional trainings, NLP practitioner trainings, courses in NLP and NLP certifications. ANLP’s NLP certification courses and NLP professional training programs are best in the industry and widely recognized. Our offerings in courses in NLP have benefited both professionals and non-professionals, dramatically changing their lives, for good. Learning Neuro Linguistic Programming tricks of trade like mind training, keynote speaking, hypnosis training, NLP psychotherapy and much more, numerous people have realized their true potential, achieved their goals and even increased their earnings many a times, courtesy ANLP India.

 Why NLP & Why ANLP

Neuro-Linguistic-Programming techniques helps a person bail us out of their own perceptions. ANLP India’s proficient NLP masters helps youidentify and become aware of your unproductive behavioral patterns that further leads to responses that either create disharmony or fail to achieve the desired purpose. Under the able guidance of our reputed trainers, those negative tendencies can then be easily uprooted and substituted with more conducive, constructive and powerful positive habits and tendencies.After successful completion of our NLP sessions or training in NLP, you will gain complete control over the hidden but extremely potent, sub-conscious aspect of your behavior, the one that control the conscious part. Once armed with one of the most sophisticated and advanced training methodologies that the modern world has to offer, i.e. NLP, you will be able to completely transform your life, taking control of your behavior and applying the newly learned principles to a myriad of fields like personal relationships, professional growth or emotional well-being.

Best of NLP, a click away

Neuro-Linguistic-Programming is a revolutionary field. And like all revolutionary fields, this too is full of semi-cooked materials, poorly crafted training programs, and worst of all, charlatans disguised as NLP masters for NLP professinal training.  ANLP India provides you the kind of NLP training programs or NLP seminar like none other. Our one day programs in NLP, NLP seminar, NLP therapy and NLP workshops or nlp management are more than sufficient to give you a glimpse of the potential that NLP has to offer. Registering for NLP trainer practitioner in your area then requires no convincing as you become more self-conscious and aware of the immense possibilities that can be unlocked. All our members enjoy the aforesaid values. We also offer training programs in NLP certification courses.  ANLP also conducts NLP therapy for motivation in life and getting successful in carrier. Most of the elite corporate houses have organized and benefited from NLP training programs and NLP therapy for their executives, CEO& managers, increasing overall productivity and building team-spirit. Whether it is your personal life you want to take charge of, or professional battles that you want to conquer, NLP is here to help and the best of NLP has to offer, is just a click away at ANLP India.

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Note: Only Verified Members Shown Here. For all memebrs use Members Search.


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What is NLP?

What is NLP?

What is NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study of how you think, speak and behave. Now if you are looking to study "How you are getting what you are getting'' that is a good place to begin. As the wise man once said "To change your outcome it is important that you change your thinking" Easier said than done. It is a process of understanding our own selves by observing and understanding the world around us (or vice versa), with a new set of very successful tools and techniques, evolved in the world of NLP by experts.

Neuro refers to the thinking patterns that make up the mental aspect of our strategies. We take information in and hold it in our minds in visual, auditory and kinesthetic (feeling) ways. For example a part of a strategy to feel confident at the start of giving a presentation might be to see ourselves as in a movie, in full color, doing the presentation in a way that we would ideally like to do it. We might hear an encouraging internal voice urging us to do well. We might imagine the smooth feel of the table that is beside us as we stand and the steady confident feeling in our stomach as we begin to speak.

Linguistic refers to the way we use language both inwardly to ourselves (our inner dialogue) and the language we use in conversation with others. With NLP, we can become aware of the patterns in our own and others language and the effect of these patterns on both ourselves and others. For example, even if you ask someone ''why not'' when they say they can''t do something, they become even more resistant to the idea of doing it. A more effective question might be ''What would happen if you did this?''

Programming: The programs that we run are our strategies for getting results in all areas of our life and work. Sometimes those results are what we want whereas at other times they do not seem to meet any conscious need. We are like computers, in that; we have mental and behavioral codes for running our lives. Sometimes the codes work well and sometimes they have ''bugs'' and instead of achieving the results we want, we sabotage our seemingly desired success. Sometimes we have the codes but we use them inappropriately. For example, you might be perceived as stubborn in the way that you hang on to a point of view when it would be better to let go. What you could do would be to use that same structure to tenaciously hold on to your goals when faced with disappointment. Stubbornness can be tenacity when used appropriately. NLP is a means of tapping into the wealth of resources that we all have within to support us in achieving what we really want, says Sue Knight in her book, NLP at Work.

Today NLP is described as:

  • A Collection of Communication skills
  • A series of sales techniques
  • A way of questioning that allows you to uncover information that is missing, unconscious or hidden, so that you can understand a communication fully
  • A set of beliefs that allows humans to grow
  • A collection of skills for influencing people while maintaining your integrity and respecting theirs
  • A way to build stronger, more enjoyable relationships
  • A detailed understanding of how people learn and how to teach them.

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How can I benefit from using NLP?

There are multifarious benefits of membership with the ANLP at each level. But there are few which are shown below.

You are enable to advertise your membership of the Premier NLP Organization in India, You can open door your details (password protected) and make sure they are up to the minute.

You can easily have your details available for search by the general public. You can have multiple precise advertising squeak.

All of the above plus your name will pop up at the top of all searches and a link to your own page on our site. Going on this page you can add your own details and links to your own site.

There will be much more other benefits are to be added over the coming scant months including a magazine, a discussion group, ask the expert section etc.

ANLP (India) is a members organisation therefore if you have ideas to improve the web site or your membership in particular please let us know through the contact us section.

How did NLP Develop?

1) I can not log in

a) You need to log in with your email and password as used during your account creation. If you did not create the account yourself the password is likely to be = password. If you have forgotten your password or having any other login problem please contact us using the contact us form.

2) I want to become a Silver or Gold Member.

a) Please send a request through the contact us form and we will send you full payment details.

Do I need a NLP Trainer or an NLP Professional?

1) I can not log in

a) You need to log in with your email and password as used during your account creation. If you did not create the account yourself the password is likely to be = password. If you have forgotten your password or having any other login problem please contact us using the contact us form.

2) I want to become a Silver or Gold Member.

a) Please send a request through the contact us form and we will send you full payment details.

How do I select a good NLP Professional?

1) I can not log in

a) You need to log in with your email and password as used during your account creation. If you did not create the account yourself the password is likely to be = password. If you have forgotten your password or having any other login problem please contact us using the contact us form.

2) I want to become a Silver or Gold Member.

a) Please send a request through the contact us form and we will send you full payment details.

How do I choose a good NLP Trainer?

1) I can not log in

a) You need to log in with your email and password as used during your account creation. If you did not create the account yourself the password is likely to be = password. If you have forgotten your password or having any other login problem please contact us using the contact us form.

2) I want to become a Silver or Gold Member.

a) Please send a request through the contact us form and we will send you full payment details.

Why choose a Member of ANLP?

1) I can not log in

a) You need to log in with your email and password as used during your account creation. If you did not create the account yourself the password is likely to be = password. If you have forgotten your password or having any other login problem please contact us using the contact us form.

2) I want to become a Silver or Gold Member.

a) Please send a request through the contact us form and we will send you full payment details.

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